





About me: My Website: Https://MuslimWifeyX.com My Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/MuslimWifeyX (All others are fake) My real name is Anais Lisbeth Carrero Sojo and I also go by the name Ani Carrero. I was born in 21/09/1981 and I am MuslimWifeyX! I am from Venezuela and live in Caracas with my family there. I am very naughty and my husband caught me doing this, so now I reveal myself so I can be naughtier! (My husband was a fool anyway) 😉 Hey guys! If you like to support me, chat with me daily, get access to all my 300+ private pictures, full praying naked videos, naughty masturbation videos and much more you can see me on my link: https://MuslimWifeyX.com I am MuslimWifeyX and I am a naughty wife/mom that enjoys sharing myself to the world, behind my husband's back. I enjoy creating videos and get feedback from people that enjoy seeing my body as I was always really cautions of how my body looks. My husband don't know that I do this type of stuff - so let's all keep it a secret shall we? Shhh ...

About me

My Website: Https://MuslimWifeyX.com

My Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/MuslimWifeyX (All others are fake)

My real name is Anais Lisbeth Carrero Sojo and I also go by the name Ani Carrero. I was born in 21/09/1981 and I am MuslimWifeyX! I am from Venezuela and live in Caracas with my family there. I am very naughty and my husband caught me doing this, so now I reveal myself so I can be naughtier! (My husband was a fool anyway) 😉

Hey guys! If you like to support me, chat with me daily, get access to all my 300+ private pictures, full praying naked videos, naughty masturbation videos and much more you can see me on my link: https://MuslimWifeyX.com

I am MuslimWifeyX and I am a naughty wife/mom that enjoys sharing myself to the world, behind my husband's back. I enjoy creating videos and get feedback from people that enjoy seeing my body as I was always really cautions of how my body looks. My husband don't know that I do this type of stuff - so let's all keep it a secret shall we? Shhh ...
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MuslimWifeyX Personal information

What I look like

  • Ethnicity:
    Middle Eastern
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